Monday, September 30, 2013

      WWW.Reikisolution.blogspot .com

 Welcome My Name is Shaji samuel. Iam a Usui Reiki Master
 Here I am sending you Reiki energy. Relax and Enjoy !
Reiki not only heals diseases, 
but also amplifiesinnate abilities,balances the spirit, makes the body healthy, and thus helps achieve happiness.

Reiki in the words of the founder  Mikao Usui
                     From ancient times whenever someone develops a secret method the one would teach this to the people among family, as a legacy for the later generations of the family living. That idea, not to open to the public and keep that sacred method in the family, is really the past century's bad custom. 
                In modern days we have to live together. That's going to be the basis of happiness, earnestly wanting social progress. That's why I definitely won't allow to keep this for myself. Our Reiki Ryoho is a creative idea, which no one has developed before and there is nothing like this in this world. Therefore I am going to open this idea to anybody for the peoples benefit and welfare.And everyone will receive the blessing from God. With this, expect everyone to have soul and oneness. 

                               Our Reiki Ryoho is an original therapy method using the power based on Reiki, which is a universal power in the universe.With this, first for human beings them selves to be strong.       

If you wish to learn about reiki please use Web links below  to purchase reiki books

For to select REIKI Books Click Here 

Amazon Click Here 

You can also Download 1 to 3 REIKI Manuals from Web links


My  Usui Reiki Master Certificate & Lineage

 Mikao Usui / Dr Chujiro Hyashi / Mrs Hawayo Takata / Phyllis Lei Furumoto / Claudia Hoffman / Mary Shaw / Christine Henderson / Bruce Way / Neal Lyster / John Pickering / Martin Lee / Craig Farquharson / Ian Sadler/Shajisamuel K.
Hai Dear friends,
                   Please listen to my small words about great universal life
                                           force energy Reiki.
         Reiki is a Energy which has flowing all over the universe but not can be seen with your naked eyes.we just think always what can be seen on the surface is everything.But unfortunately it was not correct. sometimes there are so many things and powers which are not visible from the outside.Reiki energy is not visible for each and every person and also could not be proved with solid evidences. But the same time you can be very much easy to accept,taste and enjoy this energy if you are ready to utilize your mind in a spiritual sense. 
         Actually Reiki is not a new energy which has suddenly coming out  from a new source or a new planet. In fact now as still as it here it is always here before thousands of years ago.Before centuries ago mankind will have the knowledge of using techniques of this energy.But this energy using techniques and its hereditary lineage will be gradually disappear from our recent generations.
           On behaf of our good fortune Dr.Mikao Usui after his  studies and experiments  about this energy re found and lifted out this energy using techniques again from the ashes covered Esmaria.The  pleasant thing is that the Reiki  for steps a very clear secular concept which is not allowing cast region religion and other type of boundary dividing systems.So it is the most useful Weapon against the typical diseases and psychological conflicts arousing here and there in this era. You can be simply treat neither yourself nor the others.Reiki gives not only a good protection to the whole humanity without any boundary lines but also a healthy purified stress less spiritual mind.Thank you.
If you want more about Reiki treatment techniques 
and also want Reiki treatment & REIKI Attunements
please contact in my E-mail ID:,,

And here I am attaching a website Link .Use it and Enjoy! Click Here 

This natural healing modality originates in Tibet. The name "Reiki" (rey-key)comes from the technique as re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist in the early 20th century.
"Re" means "Universal" and it is a general term for spirit or unseen spiritual quality, which serves as channel for "Ki" or "Life Force Energy" (some call it God, Buddha, Chi, Qi, Prana, Love Energy, or similar). It relates to the superior, all-encompassing cosmic energy from which all other minor energies in the universe draw their power. Everything in the Universe is made up from energy particulars which form the Omniscient, All-Knowing Blueprint for Creation. The Vital Living Energy Force comes in different manifestations of energy and one of these being the frequences in which Reiki was born.
The Usui System of Natural Healing teaches us also the "Secret Art" of "Inviting Happiness" into one's life which can be achieved by working with the Five Reiki Ideals and the Three Degrees of Attunements. The Five Reiki Ideals help us realize that improving oneself is an essential part of Reiki healing.

The body is more than just a collection of functioning parts. Since everything generates a frequency, the body and its organs have their own energy field which is continually changing. All conditions of disease are rooted in this energy system. If our "life force" is low or blocked, we are more likely to get sick. But if it is high and flowing freely, we can maintain our health and well being. 

Reiki Healing Energy provides means to balance the human energy fields (Auras) and energy centers (Chakras) to create conditions needed for the bodies healing system to function.
The Reiki practitioner assists the client to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically by a simple laying on of hands. By the use of ancient healing symbols the practitioner channels the Universal Life Force energy allowing it to flow where is needed to bring the energy centers into alignement.
The Reiki practitioner must be a clear vessel through which the healing energy flows. He/She plays an instrumental part in the healing process, but ultimately it is up to the healee to manifest harmony and balance in their own life.

DISCLAIMER: This Blog was created in order to share the information about the wonderful health benefits of the Reiki Healing Energy. It is therefore for educational purposes. Please note, that Reiki is not a substitute for medical care. Information on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.You should consult with the appropriate health practitioner in case of any medical condition.

All hand positions are pictured to show a Reiki practitioner performing a self-healing treatment.  When treating someone else, the same positions are used, you just modify them to fit another person’s body.  A Reiki treatment should be a comfortable, relaxing experience.

I like to self-treat just before falling to sleep.  I have found that if my intention is there, the Reiki will flow all night long.  After a nightlong Reiki treatment, I wake up relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated.  Insomnia is usually not a problem any more with Reiki.  If for some reason a particular position is uncomfortable, modify it as necessary.  Lying down is usually the best position for receiving a healing session.  However, the receiver can also be sitting or standing, whatever is practical at the time.

Even though I am showing the following hand positions, this does not mean you are limited to them.  Always follow your intuition.  If something feels better - try it!

Relax and ENJOY!!!  And remember do some experimenting

The hands are gently placed over the face, covering the forehead, eyes, cheeks and jaw.  Remember to leave room for the nose.  If the nose is completely covered by your hands, you or the client will have trouble breathing.

This position covers the eyes, sinuses, brain and both halves of the face.

Balances the two halves of the brain, opens the sinuses and relaxes the mind.  Used for headaches, sinusitis, sinus congestion, teeth, jaw and eye problems, as well as, emotional and tension problems.  Can be used to establish a sense of calmness and peace.


The hands are placed with fingers pointing toward the temples with the thumb just below the ear.

This position covers the ears, facial muscles, nerves, cheeks and jaw.

Balancing the two halves of the brain (emotion and reason), useful in case of stress/difficulty in learning, lack of concentration and whenever there is an emotional imbalance.  Can also be used for colds, headaches, TMJ, grinding of teeth, molar problems, establishing a feeling of relaxation, ear and hearing problems and tension.


The hands cup the back of the head, effectively covering the back of the head.

This position covers the reflex zones for the main chakras one through four, back of the brain, beginning of the spinal cord.  (affecting the large intestine and gall bladder), medulla oblongata, brain stem, cerebellum and pons.

Used for relaxation, headache, eye diseases, colds, abdominal complaints, anxiety, asthma, hyperventilation, circulatory complaints, sneezing and nausea, brain stem problems, including blackouts, seizures, hearing loss, balance and loss of coordination of the voluntary muscle movements and fine voluntary movements such as writing, dressing and eating.


The hands are placed on the neck with the fingertips pointing toward the ear. 

This position covers the bottom of the ear, throat, larynx, vocal cord and lymph nodes.

Used for equilibrium problems, loss of hearing, metabolic disease, weight problems, anorexia, stuttering, anxiety, palpitation, poor posture, blood pressure, sore throat, tonsillitis, hoarseness, insecurity, aggressive behavioral problems.  Also chronic tension in the legs, pelvic area and shoulder muscles.


The hands are placed above the breasts.

This position covers the parathyroid, thyroid, trachea, thymus, internal and external jugular vein, arch of the aorta, lungs and heart.

Used for weight problems, breathing, swallowing problems, immune problems, convulsions, wheezing, muscle cramps, urinary frequency, mood changes, motor and sensory problems, asthma and high blood pressure.


The hands are placed on the lower rib cage, under the breasts and over the heart. 

This position covers the heart, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas and part of the stomach.

Used for diabetes, clotting problems, white blood cell problems, digestion problems and cirrhosis of the liver, excessive bleeding problems, heart diseases, circulatory problems and high blood pressure.


The hands are placed over the middle of the abdomen, I use the belly button as a guide.

This position covers stomach, small and large intestine.

Used for treating ulcers (acid secretion is controlled by the pylorus), digestion problems, constipation, mal-absorption of foods, bowel strictures, bowel adhesions, nausea, diarrhea, parasite infections and upset stomachs

Over the pelvic bone and lower abdomen.

This position covers the reproductive organs, appendix, bladder, rectum and sigmoid colon.

Used for menstrual pain, prostrate problems, ovulation problems, pregnancy, bladder problems, constipation, and sexual problems, weight problems, allergies, diseases of the genital and urine systems and diseases or problems with the immune system.


The hands are placed between the shoulders and the shoulder blades, effectively opposite Position 5.

This position covers the shoulder blades, spinal cord and long voluntary muscles of movement.

Used for muscle aches, weakness, headaches, tension in the muscles, TMJ and muscle spasms.


The hands are placed just under the shoulder blades, opposite Position 6.  It is usually impossible to have your hands facing inward, so simply turn them outward with the intention for the energy to flow into your body.

This position covers the lungs and adrenal glands.

Used for respiratory problems, asthma, and fluid on the lungs and adrenal glands.  Important area for weight loss fatigue, hypertension and mental changes.


The hands are placed in the middle of the back above the flare of the hips.

This position covers the lumbar vertebrae and kidneys.

Used for mid back sprains, aches and pains, kidney problems, water retention, blood in urine, foul smelling urine, cloudy urine and detoxification.


The hands are placed in a V formation covering the sacrum and pointing down to the feet.

This position covers the sacrum coccyx and sciatic nerve.

Used for foot and leg movement problems, foot drop, pain and tingling in lower leg and foot, bedsores, rotation of the hips, fissures, digestive problems and diseases of the urogenital system.


You can treat the legs and feet also, if you feel the need.  In doing so make sure you treat both legs equally.  The hand positions are over the joints and at the bottom of the feet.  Many people carry a lot of stress in their legs and feet and I have found it important to treat them even though this position was not included in the original 12 positions taught by Mrs. Takata


Again the arms and hands were not included in Mrs. Takata’s original 12 positions.  However, should you feel the need to treat them, move your hand over the arms focusing on the joints and ending at the fingers.  Make sure both arms are treated equally.


Children and babies respond very quickly to Reiki.  They usually do not have the hang ups and emotional baggage of adults, and the energy works quickly with them.  A little will go a long way.  My two oldest grandsons, Nathan and Garrett, were involved in a serious auto accident several years ago.  Nathan was only 4 years old at the time and his thigh was cut deeply from the top to within an inch of his knee.  It was very painful for him and the Reiki I did was to intense.  When I asked if he wanted to learn how to do the Reiki himself, he said “Yes”.  I simply explained that Reiki would help his cut heal faster and remove the pain.   After his attunement, I wanted to explain “intention”.  The only way I could think of was to tell him when he wanted to use Reiki - he just needed to say “Reiki start” and put his hands in the Reiki position.  Several times a day, he would use the Reiki on himself.  His cut healed quickly with very little complaints about the pain.

One day while they were visiting, Garrett fell and bumped his head hard on the floor.  He started to cry and ran to Nathan for comfort.  Nathan said, “Reiki start” , touched his brother’s head and Garrett stopped crying immediately.  He quickly forgot about the bump, dried his tears and took off running again.

Reiki can also be used to help calm a cranky baby.  Again use small doses.

Your animals will love Reiki!  A little usually goes a long way with your pets unless they are really sick. Even then you may need to limit the amount of Reiki to just a few minutes.  They will usually let you know when they have had enough.  You can send Reiki forward when approaching a strange animal for the first time.  They will usually want more of that wonderful energy!  I have one cat that wants to be in the room every time I am doing a Reiki session or an attunement, although she will not set still for any length of time to directly receive the energy.







Developing Your Reiki Practice
The International Center for Reiki Training

The Promise of a Developing Reiki Practice
           People coming to you with many different problems, difficulties and illnesses sometimes as a last resort. Watching them leave relaxed, often radiant with joy and new hope. Seeing them improve over time, watching them grow, gain confidence and become more trusting of life. Seeing some make major changes and life adjustments. Occasionally witnessing miracles. Feeling the wonder of God s love pass through you and into another. Sensing the presence of spiritual beings, feeling their touch, knowing they work with you. Being raised into ever greater levels of joy and peace by simply placing your hands on another. Watching your life grow and develop as your continual immersion in Reiki transforms your attitudes, values and beliefs. Sensing that because of your commitment to help others, beings of light are focusing their love and healing on you and carefully guiding you on your spiritual path. This is the promise of a developing Reiki practice.

                  Developing Your Reiki Practice  
                 Reiki is a truly wonderful gift and while some take Reiki training to use on themselves and with friends and family, many feel inspired to share it with a much wider circle. The development of a Reiki practice can be a very rewarding experience. Not only can it provide you with a source of income, there are spiritual experiences that can be much more meaningful. So, assuming you have been initiated into Reiki and have the ability to channel Reiki healing energy to others, I would like to share some ideas and techniques that may be helpful in developing a Reiki practice.                             
                   Intention is the Most Important Thing
               The most important thing concerning the development of a Reiki practice is the quality and strength of your intention. The mind is like a magnet. The quality and strength of your thoughts will determine the quality and strength of what you attract into your life. Therefore it is important for you to develop and maintain a positive mental attitude about your Reiki practice.
                    Decide with clarity, determination and commitment that you are going to create a thriving Reiki practice. Decide that you are worthy to do this and that there are many people who will benefit from your service. Decide that the value you and your clients will receive from your Reiki practice will far out weigh any effort or sacrifice that might be involved in creating it. Picture in your mind the results you want to create and how it will feel when you are actively involved in a thriving Reiki practice. Meditate frequently on this image and these feelings. Allow them to fill you up and surround you and reach out to others. Use this to motivate you and to help you continue on in the face of doubt or discouragement. Know in your heart that the freedom, joy and satisfaction of having your own Reiki practice is a valid goal and that you are creating it. Believe in yourself and in your purpose.
If doubts arise about your goal, know that this is normal and assume that they have entered your consciousness because they are passing out of you. Whenever we take on a new level of healing or commit to a new goal, old negative thoughts and feelings that have been stored inside and have gone unchallenged are dislodged and begin moving through our consciousness. If your commitment is strong, these old negative feelings and thoughts will break up and be released. If you feel negative feelings and thoughts come up, know that this is part of your healing and that you are releasing them up to the Higher Power to be healed. Use your Reiki to speed this up and make sure to ask for treatments from others. Reiki psychic surgery can be especially helpful.
           Compassion Brings Help From Higher Sources
                      There are higher sources of help you can call on. Angels, beings of light and Reiki spirit guides as well as your own enlightened self are available to help you. They can help you develop your Reiki practice by directing clients to you and assisting with treatments. They can be of great benefit, but you must have a strong spiritual intention for your work if you are to recruit their aid. If you are doing Reiki in a selfish way, only for money or to gain control over others or to take on an air of self-importance, or for any other negative purpose, then it will be very difficult for these spiritual beings to work with you. There must be congruence, an alignment within you in order for the Higher Power in the form of Reiki to flow through you in a powerful way and in order for the angels, Reiki spirit guides and other spiritual beings to work with you. Reiki wants only the best for you, but you must align with the nature of Reiki if you are to gain the greatest benefit. The more you can open to the true nature of Reiki which is to have an unselfish heart centered desire to help others, then the more the Reiki spirit guides can help you. Focus on helping others and on healing anything within yourself that may stand in the way of an uninhibited flow of love and compassion. This is what will make your Reiki practice a success!
The development of a spiritual attitude toward your Reiki practice can be facilitated through the regular use of affirmations and prayers. Try the following prayer: "Guide me and heal me so that I can be of greater service to others." By sincerely saying a prayer such as this each day, your heart will open and a path will be created to receive the help of higher spiritual beings. They will guide you in your Reiki practice and in the development of your life purpose.
                  Competitiveness is Not a Part of Reiki
                  One thing that can get in the way of developing a spiritual attitude about your Reiki practice is fear of competition. This has caused more problems and created more restrictions and negative energy in the Reiki community than any other area of misunderstanding. Lack is an illusion and this is especially true for Reiki! There is a far greater need for healing on the planet than there are Reiki practitioners who can provide it. Fear of competition goes directly against the nature of Reiki energy and because of this, it can repel people from you who might otherwise be interested in receiving a treatment. Reiki comes from an unlimited supply and does not fear competition. People who do Reiki together find that their Reiki gets stronger as more people join the group. If Reiki was competitive, then just the opposite would happen, it would be strongest when you were alone and get weaker as more people joined the group.
                             The nature of Reiki energy is one of cooperation. It understands the concept that we are all one and flows freely to anyone and everyone. It works in harmony with all other forms of treatment. It is clearly apparent, the wisdom of Reiki is to welcome all other practitioners as allies. If the spiritual purpose for your Reiki practice, is to help others and to heal the planet, then you can only rejoice when you hear about another Reiki practitioner in your area as they are helping you fulfill your purpose. Accept the wisdom of Reiki as your own wisdom, that all others who practice Reiki are helping you. The more you can do this, the more your Reiki practice will thrive. Don t worry about taking clients away from other practitioners. Each practitioner has their own value and special way of helping others. You will attract the clients who are right for you. Others will attract the clients who are right for them.
                        Reiki Will Soon Be in Great Demand
                          An important trend is developing in society that will soon create a great demand for Reiki practitioners. More and more people are discovering the value of alternative therapy. A recent study conducted by Dr. David M. Eisenberg of Boston s Beth Israel Hospital indicates that people in the US are beginning to turn away from modern medicine and make greater use of alternative health care techniques. The survey concluded that 34 percent of Americans said they used at least one alternative therapy in 1990 and that Americans are spending nearly $14 billion a year for this treatment, most of which comes out of the patients own pocket. The therapies most used are meditation, touch therapy (such as Reiki), guided imagery, spiritual healing, chiropractic, hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal cures, and folk remedies.
               Also of note is the fact that the National Institutes of Health has created an Office of Alternative Medicine whose purpose is to research alternative healing methods and establish their value. Already many healing techniques formerly considered quackery by the medical establishment have been proven valid by this new office. These include chiropractic, acupuncture and homeopathy and they will soon be studying touch therapy and Reiki. Clearly, a paradigm shift is taking place toward the general acceptance of alternative medical treatment. It is likely that Reiki will become widely accepted as a valid form of healing before the end of the decade! Think what this means for anyone with a Reiki practice. A great need is developing for Reiki practitioners!
                              The Practical Issue of Money
                          Now that we have covered some of the important attitudes, values and beliefs necessary for a thriving Reiki practice, lets discuss some of the practical issues. An important issue is money. Some practitioners do not charge money and this is fine if that is their decision as everyone has the right to charge whatever they want or to charge nothing at all. However, it is often better for the client if they are able to give something in return. They are not paying for the Reiki energy which is free but for your time and the effort you have put forth to learn Reiki. When people receive a treatment for free they often feel indebted to the practitioner and guilty feelings can develop. This creates an imbalance that can get in the way of continued treatments. Charging money allows people the freedom to come whenever they want. If you do have clients who have a money problem, you can charge them less or barter.
How much should you charge for a Reiki session? A good rule of thumb is to charge about the same for a standard Reiki session as others in your area are charging for massage. A standard Reiki session will usually last about 45 minutes to an hour and a half. When you first start charging for your sessions, you can start at a lower rate if that feels comfortable to you and increase it as your confidence and reputation grow.
                                 Advertise Your Practice
                Business cards are a good first step when starting your practice. They let people know you are serious about your Reiki business and make it easy for you to give people your phone number in case they want to make an appointment. It is not a good idea to place you address on the card as people may come without calling you. It is a good idea to talk to people first to get a feel for their energy, and let them know what they can expect from a Reiki session before setting up an appointment and giving them directions to your home or office.
                   Flyers are also a good idea. In your flyer explain what Reiki is and the benefits it offers along with your name and phone number. You can place them on bulletin boards in health food stores and new age book stores etc. and they can be given out to prospective clients.
                             Beginning your Reiki practice from your home is a good idea as it will save money on startup costs, but many practitioners have found advantages to having their own office. An office creates a professional atmosphere and lets people know that you take your work seriously. You may want to start in your home and get an office after things get going or if you can afford it, get an office right away. Consider the fact that you may want to have group activities in your office when considering the size office you want.
                              Make sure to get each clients name address and phone number for your mailing list. As your list grows, you can mail out flyers on up coming Reiki events or simply remind people about your practice. A good way to keep track of your clients is to use a client information form. The one in the back of "Reiki, The Healing Touch" is a good one as it includes a disclaimer which protects you from misunderstandings about the results you promise from a Reiki session. Feel free to make copies of this form and use it in your practice. Keep your mind open to other ways of adding people with an interest in alternative healing to your mailing list. The mailing list can be an important tool in promoting your Reiki practice.
                                      Exchange Treatments
                               One way to let people know about your Reiki practice is to offer to exchange Reiki with other alternative therapists. This works well with massage therapists as they are familiar with body work and often need therapy themselves. Offer to refer clients to them and ask them to do the same for you. Give them some of your flyers or business cards to display in their office.
                                Give Impromptu Demonstrations
                                    When you are at public gatherings or around others and someone complains about an ache or pain, offer to give them Reiki. If they have never heard of Reiki before, explain that it is a Japanese form of stress reduction with many healthy benefits. If they have a metaphysical understanding you can talk about Ki and the life force etc. Talk to them on a level they can understand. Take 15 minutes or so to treat the area of concern and let them know you do this professionally and give them your card. Tell them what a complete session is like and set up an appointment if they are interested. At parties or large gatherings, the attention you attract when giving Reiki to one often creates interest in others who will want a sample treatment also. Often you end up treating several people and passing out many business cards. As you treat you can talk about Reiki and how it works. Ask the person to explain what they feel. This always creates a lot of interest. Being focused on helping the person and not on getting a client is the key to attracting people for sample treatments. However, if they are interested, a business card is appropriate.
                                          One thing that will really attract attention for your Reiki practice is wearing a Reiki T-shirt. People will want to know what the symbols mean and this opens the door to talking about Reiki. Offer to give them a sample treatment and telling them about your practice. If they seem interested, give them a business card and if possible, setup an appointment.
                                    Offer Free Reiki Evenings
                                  A free Reiki evening can create lots of interest. Plan one night a month to talk about Reiki and give sample treatments. If you have Reiki friends, ask them to come and help give treatments. This is a great way to help others and let them know about Reiki and your practice. Make up flyers for your free Reiki evening and put them up in appropriate places. If the Reiki practitioners can meet an hour or so before the meeting to give treatments to each other it will really improve the quality of what the non-Reiki people receive. Also, if you have taken Reiki III\master training, you could give a refresher attunement or healing attunement to each of the practitioners to boost their energy. This is a great way for the practitioners to practice their Reiki and for you to practice giving attunements. Call everyone you know who would be interested and let them know.
                                     If your area has psychic or wholistic fairs, get a booth. Take a Reiki table and ask 5 or more of your Reiki friends to help. Offer 10 or 15 minute treatments with 5 or more Reiki practitioners giving a treatment to one person at a time. Charge Rs.50.00 or so per treatment. This can be a powerful healing experience and a good demonstration of Reiki. Have a table with your flyers and business cards on it and be sure to get each persons name, address, and phone number for your mailing list. Another way is to use chairs and have one or two practitioners give 10 or 15 minute treatments to each person. The chair method takes up less space and allows you to treat more then one person at a time.
                                Offer Reiki as a Public Service
                                  Create a healing service at your church. Recruit other healers to help. You could use both Reiki and non-Reiki healers. This can create tremendous interest in Reiki. Refer to the Summer 93 issue of the Reiki News for a complete explanation.
                                       Volunteer to do free Reiki treatments at hospitals, hospice centers, drug and alcohol treatment centers or in conjunctions with a psychologist or other therapists. By doing this, you will gain experience and people will find out about your practice, but most of all, you will be helping others.
                                     If there is a metaphysical/wholistic paper in your area, offer to write an article for it on Reiki or healing in general. Make sure your name and phone number are listed and that you are a Reiki practitioner or teacher. If you are really serious, decide to write an article every month. This will let people know who you are and what your attitudes and beliefs are concerning healing. They will then be able to decide if they want to come to you. It is also a good idea to place an ad in the same paper your article appears in. You will pay for the ad, but the article will be free!
                           Write articles for the Reiki News or send in a description of your Reiki experiences. The Reiki News needs articles and is very interested in letting people know about your personal experiences with Reiki. It goes out to thousands of people interested in Reiki all over the country. Having your name in the paper will improve your reputation especially if you place free copies in your local health and new age book stores and hand out copies to your clients and friends etc.
Deliver Talks on Reiki
                           Develop a Reiki talk and offer to speak about Reiki to local groups. There are many groups looking for speakers and alternative healing is becoming a hot topic. If you have little experience at public speaking, you can join a local Toast Masters Club. There you will be coached and given ample opportunity to develop your speaking ability. If you are making Reiki your career, then the ability to speak before groups is a must. Decide to become a great speaker and go for it.
                                     Cultivate the Media
                       In many parts of the country the news media are reporting the positive benefits of alternative healing. So, call the local newspapers and TV stations. Find out which reporter(s) are in charge of or interested in information about alternative healing. Talk to them and let them know you are a Reiki practitioner/teacher. Explain Reiki to them in a way they can understand - tell them it is a Japanese form of stress reduction and relaxation that can also facilitate healing. Tell them there are over 100,000 practitioners in the US and the numbers are growing! Give them details and make it interesting and exciting. Offer to give them a free treatment. Let them know that you are available should they decide to write an article or air a program about Reiki or alternative healing or if any questions come up about it in the future. Establish in their mind that you are an expert on Reiki. They will then think of you as a resource person. Most reporters keep a file of people they can call on for different subjects and they will probably put your name in it! If they are not ready to do a story now, when they are ready, it is likely they will call you!
                         Become Licensed through the Center
                            Become certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher by the Center. When you do this, we will list your classes in the newsletter and refer students and clients to you. The Center continually receives requests from people from all over the country who are interested in Reiki sessions and classes. If you are certified by the Center, we can then refer these prospective clients to you.
If you are beginning to teach and are having trouble getting a class together, simply plan a class, set a date and assume the class will be full. Then when you tell people about the class, they will pickup a positive attitude from you about the class and want to come. If people sense a tentativeness, it will discourage them from attending. Being decisive about your plans and having a positive attitude will attract students and bring the class together. Your guides will also be better able to work with you if you are clear about what you intend to do.
                                     These ideas have worked for others, they will work for you. Try them! Also, use your intuition to develop other ways to promote your Reiki practice. Remember, a clear intention is the first step to success. Keep track of the result you get with each thing you try. Keep using the ones that work and drop the ones that don't. Keep trying new things until you get the results you want. By following this formula you will create a successful Reiki practice and in so doing, bring joy, peace and healing to others.

Reiki Healing with Crystals


             Crystals used during Reiki Healing will help the healing and energy balancing. They will speed up the healing process.

                      The purpose of a laying on of stones is to release etheric, emotional, mental or spiritual blocks to well-being. The healer's role is to be comforting, supportive and non- judgmental, giving the client safety to release these emotions and talk. This is part of the healing process.
If the stone does not feels uncomfortable during the Reiki 
healing with crystals it should be moved or removed. A stone that feels good when first placed on the body can change when its energy has been absorbed. The practitioner and the client work together closely in this manner.
Learn more how to choose and cleanse your crystals for Reiki healing with crystals.Click

One of the simplest ways to help balance the whole chakra
system is to place a stone of the appropriate colour on each area. This will give each chakra a boost of its own vibration without altering its energies or the overall harmony of the system.
           It is believed that the interaction between the stones and chakras will return the chakra into healthy vibration, therefore healing the part of the body affected.
Simply by placing a different beneficial stone on each of the 
seven chakras can be a general tonic to strengthen and tone up the entire system. If you lay your collection of stones out so that you can easily see them all you will find your attention goes to the best choice of stone for each chakra. It is a good idea to place a grounding stone, like smoky quartz, between the feet to act as an anchor.
        Place the stones on the lowest chakra first, and move upwards 
than proceed with your Reiki healing session as you would normally do.When removing the stones, always remove the highest one first, leaving the lowest stone last.
Visit the Reiki Store for a Chakra healing crystal set.

1. Choose a red stone to put near the base of the spine or, alternatively, use two red stones of the same sort and rest
 one near the top of each leg. This deal with the base chakra.
2. For the sacral chakra choose an orange coloured stone to put on the lower abdomen.

3. At the solar plexus use a yellow stone, placed between the navel and the ribcage. If there is tension in this area an energy—shifting stone, like a tiger's eye or a small clear quartz point, can be put at the diaphragm to help release.

4. The heart chakra in the centre of the chest can be balanced with a green stone. A pink stone can be added for emotional clearing.

5. For the throat chakra use a light blue stone . Place it at the base of the throat, at the top of the breastbone.

6. An indigo or dark blue stone is normally used to balance the brow chakra in the centre of the forehead. Amethyst or another purple stone can be used here.

7. The stone for the crown chakra rests just above the top of the head. If you have chosen an amethyst for the brow, use a clear quartz at the crown. If you used a dark blue stone at the brow you can use violet stone at the crown.

Find a Chakra Healing Crystal Set.